On this day in Orosi, we had a charla (or chat) about culture shock. There are four stages: initial euphoria, irritation and hostility, gradual adjustment, and adaptation and bi-culturalism. I am definitivamente still in the first stage. I haven't yet had any qualms about eating rice and beans at every meal. I haven't yet grown tired (nor do I ever expect to) of the lush green mountains and the bright, colorful houses. I haven't yet been discouraged by my insufficiencies in the language. I haven't yet been bored or lonesome. I haven't yet been annoyed by the incessant cackawing of the rooster during our classes. (Okay, maybe I'm fibbing a bit on that last one...they're SO loud!)
I expect that my euphoria will dip into a valley, but I do not anticipate when or how low. I will face these "lions" when they arise, but as for now, I am everyday trying to improve my Spanish, learn how to be an engaging English teacher, and making friends for the year ahead when we will disperse to our individual sites. There are 18 volunteers en total. Some will be as close as 15 minutes and some as far as 8 hours, but I imagine that we will lean on each other mucho in the rises and falls of the coming year. Every day, I remind myself that I am in Costa Rica, and I am living a "sueño hecho realidad," a dream come true.
If you are reading this, then you have played an important role in my being here because you have touched my life in some way. You have hugged me, smiled at me, listened to me, rejoiced with me, cried with me, and comforted me. You have taught me to forgive myself, to forgive others, to pray, and to have faith. You have made me laugh, made me feel important, and made me feel appreciated. I will do unto others as you have done unto me. In this way, you have loved me and, in this way, you and I are loving our neighbors in this small, colorful, lively, welcoming Central American country. Everyone can be a world changer: it can be as simple as a smile or as unassuming as a thoughtful deed.
As the Ticans say, "Dios lo acompaña," may God go with you.
Hi Sara! Beautifully written and I look forward to your "musings in words" during the coming months! It will be interesting to learn of changes in your worldview (among other things) as a function of time and immersion in country. Keep the vision of RoRo with you!
Sara, I must say you have a way with words. I am enjoying your blog immensely. The pictures are amazing and help me with somewhat of a visual of how beautiful this place is where you will be for the next year. I pray for you everyday and wish you well. What an experience of a lifetime. Enjoy every minute of it. Love you very much! Sandy